Hadsell's CRIMINAL RECORD was horrendous. Click Here to learn more.

Five years prior to Anjelica's murder - Hadsell was accused of abducting his estranged wife and taking her across the country on a violent crime spree, running from police, threatening to kill her parents.

Anjelica's mother's husband has been charged with First Degree murder for taking Anjelica's life by strangulation and poisoning, and then dumping her body in a ditch, 60 miles from home behind an abandoned house.  

She was missing for 39 days.  The husband, Wesley Hadsell, cried to the media, directed searches, and even broke into Anjelica's ex-boyfriend's house and hid her jacket there and then called police to say he had 'found' the jacket in the young man's bedroom.  The publicly known evidence against Hadsell is profound, but yet he has boldly lied to everyone and even called my children from jail.  As the tattoos on his eyelids indicate ("GAME OVER"), this is just a big game to him - until the day he dies.

This is the violent career criminal that a Probation Officer, a Family Court Judge, a court-appointed Guardian, and the mother of my children INSISTED was ok to live with my daughters, unsupervised.  In fact he was favored over me, a devoted father for 13 years by the time he moved in with my children.


Evil methodically destroyed my family.


It's been 2 3 4 almost 5 years and we still wait for justice.  ALL evidence points directly at WH.  
- He broke into a house to ‘find’ Anjelica’s jacket while she was missing.  It’s believed he was planting the jacket to frame Anjelica’s friend.  
- He 'discovered' multiple items of her clothing along a road 25 miles away yet can't explain how he knew the items were there.
- He likely saw Anjelica last. 
- GPS puts him at the location her body was found 60 miles away, close to where he was working.

Within 2 weeks of her missing, WH was arrested for B & E, threats & Poss. of Ammo.  In late 2016 he was convicted for the ammo and sentenced to 20 yrs in fed. prison, as a Career Armed Criminal.
Just after his federal conviction in 2016, Ohio finally pressed charges for the 2005 rape, strangulation, and kidnapping of his then wife, something the family courts in Norfolk were fully aware of in 2010, when I was trying to protect my daughters from this man.